Saturday, November 29, 2008


I recently took a Personality Assessment test ( just for the heck of it. I think I am comfortable with my self and I know my worth. But Lo and behold! the results said other wise:

Sense of Self-Worth Score: 45
Your results indicate that your opinion of yourself is generally positive, but your sense of self-worth isn’t as strong as it could be. You sometimes put yourself down, falling victim to your own self-depreciating statements. An unstable sense of self-worth can result from a wide range of factors: perhaps you've recently gone through a particularly difficult period in your life, or you didn't get the support you needed from others when you were growing up. The important thing however, is not to figure out who/what is to blame; it is to recognize that it's now up to you to boost your self-image. There are certain attitudes and beliefs that have been found to contribute to and "feed" a negative self-image, and you appear to have some of them. Examples would be believing that you don’t deserve to be loved or respected, believing that you’re not good enough for someone, and focusing only on your perceived faults rather than good qualities. While you may not necessarily feel all of these things all of the time, there may be a few that are ingrained in your mindset to the point that they are surely affecting your life. You may not even realize it, but these beliefs can discourage you from pursuing your goals, cause you unnecessary stress, and even become self-fulfilling prophecies. A slight change in mindset could really make a difference in your life.

My brain recognized the words "putting yourself down" & "self depreciating statements" and immediately went on the defensive mode. I had to read the results over and try to ascertain whether I have been acting/feeling this way. Come to think of it, I may have. Usually, I am unable to take compliments feeling that a) it's not true or b) I am embarassed to accept the compliment.
Although these results may not be one hundred percent accurate has raised alarm bells. I have to do something about it. I have to gain my self-worth, I have to be proud of my self. Having analyzed this, I made up a little list to help me out:

a) I will accept compliments with pleasure
b) I will take critisicms correctly
c) I will instruct my brain to learn from the mistakes I make and be wiser the second time around
d) I will be pleasant to be with
e) I will be secure and believe my husband when he says he loves me

I will keep reminding myself these five things and try the test in one month to see if I made any improvements...

I sall soon find out!

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