Saturday, November 29, 2008


After having the Self worth test, I was now very curious about the personality tests online. I saw tests for emploment, love tests, abstract reasong etc. I am really not in the mood to get my brain cells working, specially as it is way past my bed time. I chose the Color Quiz ( because a) this is very simple b) it should be fun. All I had to do was to choose the color that made me "happy the most". So I did. The results were amusing:

Your Existing Situation
Readily participates in things affording excitement or stimulation. Wants to feel exhilarated.

Yes, I agree with that!

Your Stress Sources
Wishes to be independent, unhampered, and free from any limitation or restriction, other than those which she imposes of herself or by her own choice and decision.

Being the Aquarian that I am, "limitation" & "restriction" is not in my vocabulary. (*wink!*wink!)

Your Restrained Characteristics
Believes that she is not receiving her share--that she is neither properly understood or adequately appreciated. Feels that she is being compelled to conform, and close relationships leave her without any sense of emotional involvement.
Willing to become emotionally involved and able to achieve satisfaction through sexual activity, but tries to avoid conflict.

...i think agree with the sexual activity part..

Your Desired Objective
Needs a change in her circumstances or in her relationships which will permit relief from stress. Seeking a solution which will open up new and better possibilities and allow hopes to be fulfilled.

...I hope the solution comes soon before I go crazy...

Your Actual Problem
Feels restricted and prevented from progressing; seeking a solution which will remove these limitations.

...the laws of deduction or reduction??

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