Saturday, August 30, 2008


I envy “abnormal” people. They are lucky, having the ability to laugh everything off, or probably just at everything.

“Normal” people struggle with every itty-bitty details of life. From what to wear for work, which shoes go with the bag and should I blow dry or not (now you realize that I am a woman)?

Everything is a challenge from going up four flights of stairs (yes, the lift broke down again) only to find a throng of people trying to squeeze in that itty-bitty door of the thing that gets you to work and ah! - the sticky sweet smell of sweat and sticky-something-else odour of the person next to you and the strong cheap perfume of the lady who forced herself in a size 8 when she actually is a size 10. At last, you reach your destination. But as always, you have to wait for ages for the lifts to come down (actually, lift - as today, all the other’s broke down and only one is working.) and try to be in front of everybody when the doors open without them actually noticing that you are cutting in (Shame! Shame! Shame!).

A little bit of a sigh of relief when you reach your office door, but remembered that you left your desk in a clutter because you were already brain dead by 5:30 yesterday. Just an itty-bitty fix here and there and it looks a little less cluttered (only a little, but works for you!) Ah… finally -- the chair actually feels good after all that work out! But, don’t celebrate yet because your mailbox has actually 300 unread e-mails, and all of them marked either, URGENT!, ASAP!, TOP URGENT!, SUPER URGENT!. Well, at least you don’t have one that says URGENT ABOVE ALL MARKED URGENT, ASAP, TOP URGENT! or SUPER URGENT! Every possible disaster, memo, and bad news churn in your head as your index fingers hovers over your mouse to open it… Sweat dots your upper lip and your tummy feels weird and you start to look weird and by this time the “Jaws” musical score is very real. What the heck, open it and get it done and over with.. open the next one and do the same and the next, and the next and the next…

At 5:29 you don’t notice that you have to go home by now because you have been brain dead already thirty minutes ago.. and yet you witness a miracle as your mind tells you to wake up at 5:30 and tells you to go home. You leave your desk a clutter again, and as usual none of the lifts work, so you take the service elevator, another struggle through the itty-bitty door of the thing that - this time, brings you home. And then, thank God, you take stairs going DOWN.

You fall asleep before you know it, waking up in your work clothes not remembering how you got home and struggle with which shoes match the bag….

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