Wednesday, December 3, 2008


I got an inspiration from my ex-officemate's blog. Well, he doesn't know (until tonight) that I have been peeking into his blog after I found it accidentally. I found his blog interesting and I have learned a little more about him with the tidbits of clues that he has written:

"Anyway.. i think i have adjusted well with my new company as i’m looking forward to be in office everyday. No more excuses to burn just to let my self absent from my previous. Wahahaha. My finances are quite OK already. Life has been fair. Love hasn’t. Clients have been cooperative. Sleep is normal. Blood pressure is Normal. Henyetah is ok. I am ok. You are ok... Today is December 1, 2008. I’ll mark this day as a new day for me."

I have been moping and sulking for the past two months because things were not going my way. I have blamed everybody I could. If inanimate objects are "blamable" I would have blamed it too. While I was wasting away, this guy has actually climbed his mountain, reached his star and finally he has found the joy that has been eluding him for so long.

December 1 has been his turning point, I would mark mine as December 3. Today, things have started looking up for me. I hope it will stay that way until I climb my own mountain, reach my own star and find the joy that has been eluding me for so long. ;-)

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