Saturday, December 16, 2006


I was so tired from going around in circles in the mall trying to decide what to get for mama and papa and two of my fiancé's siblings for Christmas. I think I've gone up and down, from one end to the other end of the mall without any luck...

Disappointed, I had to admit I went unprepared and headed home. Metro Manila is such a big place that going around is cumbersome if you do not have your own car. I do, but Petrol prices have become so dear for me to spend on a trip to the mall and back. So I opted for the cumbersome alternative - to take a jeepney ride, the unique Public Transport of the Philippines.

I didn't mind the smoke or the blaring horns. I was too tired even to stare at the person sitting infront of me. As usual, the traffic is eating up half the time for me to get home. Suddenly, I felt something brush my feet and when I looked down I was a little bit annoyed and at the same time surprised to see a grimy boy with a rag wiping everyone's shoes.

These are the kids who would do anything for coins. I usually hand out coins to these kids but today was different. Probably because I was too tired I just stared at him without seeing him. Questions popped up in my head. Why do we have so many kids like these? Kids wandering the streets at night begging or selling sampaguita garlands, running to vehicles stuck in traffic and sing Christmas carols for coins, or just plain begging. Where have all these kids come from?

The Philippines has long complained of Poverty. How parents could not send their kids to school much less feed them. Then why are their numbers growing? I bet their parents parents before them have complained about poverty, then why have they sired kids to experience this sorry plight? Have they not learned from the others who live under bridges or makeshift shelters on the side walks trying to survive each day?

The Government has come up with project upon project of Family Planning programs, educating the masses about having a family and how to rear a family. I do not think they are too thick skulled to understand the consequences of having children when the odds point that they cannot afford to have one. Why do they still have children??

I am at a loss. Or maybe I am just thinking inside the box. Maybe I need to go further than my personal musings to find out more about this growing problem...

Maybe I will.

I'll keep you posted....

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