Whispers of Introspection...and more...
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Watching the documentary about the Tsunami survivors allow me to look into my own life in retrospect. Here I am complaining of how life is being unfair to me. How I should be getting this and that not fully appreciating that my existence and my breath of life is only through the grace of God.
It humbles me and it makes me appreciate what I have. That now even after the passing of my beloved of seven years, life is still wonderful and I still have some pieces of my life to use as a foundation to create something better and to create a more meaningful life.
Yes life is never fair - it is never fair for those who lost everything and everyone in their lives to the great power of the sea. But they had to keep going despite the tragedy. The triumph of the human spirit awes me and makes me appreciate this life the more.
Live life, give more, hug more and love more.
You never know when it's too late to do any of those.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010

Friday, November 19, 2010
Why do parents favor a child over the other? Some would feel indignant and say, “of course not!” Or some may stay silent but in their minds, they think that they are not one of those parents
I do not know how it feels to favor another child over the other because only have one, but I have felt that my mother and other relatives favored my brother over me. I think this is the most disastrous thing that could happen to a family. Children are affected in such a way that they always seem to fall short of their parents expectations and are always compared to the favored child. This usually ends in low self esteem and sibling rivalry. Sometimes this lasts until the children become adults that it is so petty and silly really.
I think this is not a question of how much one is loved more than the other, because I don’t think any parent would love a child a little less than the other. I think this “favoring” thing is circumstantial, or subjective depending on the situation.
Some parents may be seen favoring a child when he is performing well at school and he is being praised and probably gets more rewards for being one. Or a specific child probably always goes with mommy to the store because he behaves better than the other.
Thank God I’ve only got one. :)
Friday, March 27, 2009
(G) March 27, 2009
Your hopes and wishes are your own -- do not go changing them around in order to fit in with the desires of those who are in power right now. It's important to be resolute in your goals, because otherwise you will never ever attain them. Peer pressure can be tough to counter, but if something the group wants you to do directly conflicts with something that you need to do, then you've got to refuse to do it. You're just trying to be happy, and your friends should understand and support you.